Transmission routes of human papillomavirus
sexual intercourse
The occurrence of genital warts is typical of HPV genotypes 6 and 11. This condition is found in 70% of gynecological visits.
- External genitalia, internal genitalia;
- anal area;
- Oral mucosa.

home style
through a kiss
from mother to child
Transmission to the baby through breast milk or blood through the placenta is not possible during breastfeeding.
Are papillomas on the body contagious?

Can only one of my partners be infected with HPV?
When one partner has a strong immune system, they can effectively fight off HPV.
Can infection be prevented?
- Rarely change sexual partners;
- Follow personal hygiene rules;
- Don’t just use slippers, sheets, and towels.
Currently, only a few countries have added the vaccine to the mandatory list (US, UK).
Prevent complications
- primary prevention;
- secondary;
- third